Banking in North Cyprus is mostly the same as you will find in most modern
European countries. The Central Bank of the TRNC is responsible for the
monetary, credit, and exchange policy, and acts as banker to North Cyprus
North Cyprus Banks are run according to British standards and transactions
can be carried out in most foreign currencies. There are two types of
commercial banks in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC):
branches of large Turkish banks, and local banks.
Credit cards can be used to exchange money at most banks in Northern
Cyprus. Banking services in North Cyprus go beyond the traditional and often
include insurance, leasing, hire purchase finance, factoring, mutual fund
management, investment and consulting as well as custody and asset
management services.
Your Northern Cyprus bank account can be easily reached via electronic access and through internet banking, which is now increasingly used enabling you to make a number of worldwide transactions.
English is widely spoken and banks in the Turkish Republic of Northern
Cyprus usually have at least one member of staff who speaks English and will
be able to help you with your requirements. Cash point machines are widely
available all over North Cyprus and they accept most major credit and charge
There are many banks in TRNC to choose from, in addition to branches of the
H.S.B.C, here is a list of other major banks that can be found in North Cyprus:
Akfinans Bank
Creditwest Bank
Kıbrıs Faisal İslam Bankası
Kıbrıs Türk Kooperatif Merkez Bankası
Limasol Türk Kooperatif Bankası
Near East Bank
Nova Bank
Türk Bankası
Universal Bank
Şekerbank (Kıbrıs)
Ziraat Bankası
Garanti Bankası
Türkiye İş Bankası
Türk Ekonomi Bankası
Kıbrıs Vakıflar Bankası