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Pay attention to these before buying a house in North Cyprus

North Cyrprus

Pay attention to these before buying a house in North Cyprus

Before purchasing an estate, by visiting personally the company and their buying offices and researching their membership from Real Estate Association will accommodate you to work with trustworthy and instructed company.

The member of TRNC Real Estate Association Company costumers are insured up to €100.000 during purchasing process for any loss or deprivation. Foreigners can purchase 1 house, 1 land measure of about 920 square meters and land a field about 4600 meters in North Cyprus. Hence experienced advocates provide to obtain permission from Council of Ministers in a safe manner.

Foreign nationals whose purchase a house in TRNC can obtain residence permit. Annual residence permit can be renewed, thus individuals stay permanently in TRNC, can open a bank account and benefit the public services.

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